Question: 1 / 50

Who is responsible if a partially completed partition falls over during construction and injures a worker according to California laws?

The interior designer

The client

The contractor

The contractor holds primary responsibility for safety on a construction site in California. According to state laws, contractors are accountable for ensuring that the worksite is safe for all workers, including implementing proper safety measures and adhering to safety regulations. If a partition that has not been fully completed collapses and causes injury, it is typically the contractor's duty to prevent such incidents by ensuring that the structure is stable and secure throughout the construction process. While other parties, such as the interior designer, client, or subcontractor may have specific roles, the ultimate responsibility for overall safety and compliance on-site lies with the contractor. This includes oversight of the construction methodologies employed and the actions of the subcontractors they oversee. Therefore, if an injury occurs due to a safety oversight regarding an incomplete partition, the contractor is the one who will likely face liability.

The subcontractor


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